It’s okay to have questions. It’s okay to be unsure. It’s okay to be you!

But how much? When? How? What if something isn’t going well? What if it something doesn’t feel right? How do I manage twins? What if I feel touched out?  

All babies need food, sleep, warmth, diaper changes, and love.

Just because it is natural, doesn’t mean it is easy.

exists to empower families to feed and care for their new families. 

team mama bear

Prenatal breastfeeding planning and education
Positioning and latch difficulties
Poor weight gain
Low milk supply or oversupply
Sore nipples, plugged ducts, and mastitis
Nursing and bottle refusal
Pumping/back to work
Formula feeding
Family pressures related to breastfeeding
Twin care
Weaning/Starting Solids
Oral restrictions (tongue tie and lip tie concerns)
And more

Through listening, consulting, education, and support, we help you accomplish your goals. Here are few of the topics we work with:

Getting Started is Easy

Team Mama Bear has a range of interactive educational classes and support groups as well as personalized one-on-one consultations.

Traci, mama of 3, Dorchester, WI

"Jennifer has connected me with an incredible team of providers to help us work through our son's feeding issues and has continued to give us the support we need. She is looking out for not only the baby, but Mama and our entire family. I would absolutely recommend Jennifer to anyone and have made valued connections through this journey. I wish I would have met with her with my first two!" 

" I wish I would have met with her with my first two!" 

Savannah, mama of 1, Durand, WI

“[Despite a very rough start], Jen reassured me that it wasn't too late, and she was right! Within a short time, I was able to breastfeed my baby successfully! She is no longer irritable at the breast, but eager and happy to be there! I would recommend Mama Bear Lactation Care to anyone!"

"Jen reassured me that it wasn't too late"

Lauren, mama of 3, Menomonie, WI

"I am so happy with the care we received from Jennifer. I would strongly recommend her to anyone struggling with nursing. I wish I would have contacted her MUCH sooner; her services are truly worth every penny and more. My daughter and I are enjoying bonding through breastfeeding now, thanks in part to the awesome care we received from Jennifer!"

"I wish I would have contacted her MUCH sooner"

Angie, mama of 2, Chippewa Falls, WI

"I was not successful in breastfeeding my first child. This time I decided I wanted to dig deeper. Jennifer was extremely friendly and easy to talk to about such a personal topic. Even though my breastfeeding journey with my second child ultimately did not end the way I wanted, Jennifer was extremely supportive and gave me all the resources and options I needed to make my decision. I would recommend her to anyone in a heartbeat."

"Jennifer gave me all the resources I needed"